January 06, 2014

Books I began reading but never finished

I have eight books in my bookshelf I began reading but never finished, and of those are six books I really want to start again with a clean slate and finish them.

These are in alphabetical order by title, because I honestly have no idea which order I'll be reading them in. I want to read them all equally, and it is my goal to read each of them this year.

Alice Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. Needless to say, I read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and loved every word of it. After I finished it, I had a hard time finding it's companion because the editions I had back then printed them in separate books. Once I had my hands on this bad boy I began reading it, but it's a stately book and I stopped short at the first chapter. 

Arena by Karen Hancock. My dad is hardcore into science fiction, so I want to appreciate the genre more. On goodreads this is labelled fantasy and christian fiction, but that didn't turn me away. I don't really have a good excuse for putting it down, especially because I put it down right as excitement was picking up a bit more and another character was introduced. 

The Bermudez Triangle by Maureen Johnson. I bought this at a used book store mostly on a whim. I started it and got nearly halfway when I put it down. It is an lgbt story, which I am open to, but it's not my usual taste and I had a hard time relating to the characters. Finishing it would be the first time (I think?) I finish an lgbt related book and that is why I want to restart this one.

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart. I remember picking this book up without even reading the back or any of the blurbs because I had read Dramarama by the same author and enjoyed that book very much. I had unrealistic expectations for this book and it was not at all the book's fault that I put it down. I am very curious about this book, I don't remember much of what I did read, and would most like to find out why Frankie Landau-Banks' history is disreputable.

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. A year ago we were moving into my sister's house, as a temporary home before we moved again. I didn't have many books on me because I stored them in storage, as it was not practical to take them with me to live temporarily in my sister's house. I had little to no books to read, so I asked my dad for something and he chose this. I barely made a dent in it before giving up, because I often had to re-read paragraphs or pages to understand what was going on. This is a very new genre to me, and a very different writing style. I want very much to read this, as well the other middle earth tales.

The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis. My boyfriend's mom warned me that this would be the slowest and most boring book of Narnia, and so I began it with that attitude toward it and put it down pretty soon after. I don't want to skip it before reading the rest of the tales, and that is the only reason I have at all to read this. The other stories before it about Narnia are so magical and drew me in so well, I don't know what's up with this random one being such a drag. 

Are there any books on your shelf that you want to retry reading? 

Also, one tiny bitty thing before I publish this! I have an idea for my very first regular feature on this blog, and I plan on writing the first post to it on Wednesday this week! :) Have a good day!

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